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Mark Wood heads new Scottish news consortium

Mark Wood, former Reuters editor-in-chief, has been appointed chairman of a consortium bidding to run a regional news pilot in Scotland.

The Scottish News Consortium comprises newspaper groups DC Thomson, the Herald & Times, Johnston Press, and Mentorn Scotland, a television producer.

"The consortium will transform the way television and broadband news is covered in Scotland and create a new model for partnership between newspapers and broadcasters," said Wood. "Our ground-breaking plans for a truly multiplatform and interactive TV/web news service and this is a dramatically new way of engaging Scottish viewers with national regional and community news."

Wood joined Reuters in 1976 and was a correspondent in Vienna, East Berlin, Moscow and Bonn. He was editor-in-chief from 1989 to 2000, then took charge of strategic media investments and alliances as director of Reuters Content Partners. After Reuters he was chief executive of Independent Television News from 2003 and also its chairman from 1998. He left ITN last year. ■

The Guardian